After Baptism, Now What?

  1. Discuss the young disciple's first few days as a Christian.
  2. Share "letter to God." If the new disciple has not had a chance to write one, encourage him/her to do so.

  1. Acts 2:36-47: The Conversion of the 3000
    1. Discuss Biblical conversion
      1. Review how to become a disciple.
      2. Reinforce the joy of salvation and awe of God.
    2. Devoted to the Apostles' Teaching — the Word
      1. For a quiet time, suggest a book or theme — reading a chapter a day.
      2. For many, a quiet time journal is helpful.
    3. Devoted to the Fellowship
      1. Discuss the purpose of each gathering: Sunday Worship Services, Midweek Services — Men's Night Out / Women's Night Out, Bible Talks, Devotionals and discipleship partners.
      2. Discuss the need to initiate relationships — to give, not just receive.
      3. Discuss the importance of hospitality — invite people into your home for a meal.
      4. Discuss the leadership's expectation to tithe on Sundays and give a benevolent offering at the Midweek Services. Read together Malachi 3:6-12 and Hebrews 13:17.
    4. Devoted to Breaking Bread — Communion (1 Corinthians 11:23-32)
      1. Discuss the purpose of bread and fruit of the vine.
      2. Discuss what it means to become spiritually "weak, sick and fallen asleep." How does communion prevent these conditions? (sick: Proverbs 13:12)
    5. Devoted to Prayer
      1. Discuss how prayer brings peace (Philippians 4:4-7)
      2. Share petitions and answered prayers.
  2. Acts 9:1-22: The Conversion of Paul
    1. Paul immediately begins to preach.
      1. With whom have you shared your faith?
      2. List friends and family to share with this week.
    2. Paul grows powerful.
    3. Paul is persecuted.
  3. Hebrews 5:11-6:6: The First Principles
    1. Strive to learn the first principles (elementary teachings) and go on to maturity, so you can be fruitful and not fall away.
    2. Discuss taking the First Principles Classes.
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